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Recommended Reading

We must learn and understand why our Founders did what they did and how we must work to restore and maintain the self-governed Liberty they achieved. We have lost our moorings to Liberty and have allowed socialism to creep into our people and our government – the result is tyranny, oppression, dependency and bondage.

The following books will help with this understanding. There are many good books, but these are a very important few:

The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen (Freedom 101) – shows how the Founders researched for the best type of government to benefit mankind; lists 28 great principles of Liberty.

The Making of America by W. Cleon Skousen (The substance and meaning of the Constitution) of the USA. Shows inner workings of key Founders’ lives; lists 286 principles of Liberty woven into the Constitution.

The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin (A Second Look at the Federal Reserve) – shows how the conspiring bankers of 1900 times, formed and implemented a plan to create unlimited money with the US government’s consent.